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━━━━ Building Great Business 



Business is about making life meaningful for others and benefiting mutually for all partnerships.

Our Clients

━━━━ How Can We Help?



Matching the right people with values and beliefs to the right business vision, mission and creating a aligned working relationship and partnership is the key to all business development successes.

Our Clents

Business Blueprint

With a blueprint or a business map, we may achieve a success rate of 50/50 percent, but without a map, we don't even have the 50% success rate.  

Training and Development

Constant training and development is crucial to your business because all local talent needs time to be conditioned and mole into the right fit for leading your business effectively.

Business Matching

Matching the right business entity and the right people is the best leverage any business expansion needed to save time and growing pains. 

O2O Business Implementation

with the digital world moving towards AI technologies, building a digital footprint from day 1 becomes a inevitable steps to cater for both online presence and offline servicing for your business. 

Business Coaching 

Coaching someone that is right for that position and taking the lead in your business locally takes time for transition. Every right person will grow accordingly to the best that they can be in leading your business to success. 

Business Networking

Networking both socially and in the business communities locally becomes a must in order to understand the local culture and facilitating smoother integration for your business for maximum efficiency and profitabilities.  

mjmaximus business development simplified

━━━━ Get Started Today!

How To Start expanding your business by


A thousand miles start with a single step. Connect with us and let's do a FREE 1st consultation to see whether your business is ready to expand?

━ Setup

Meet up

━ Consult

For accessment

━ Decide

To kick start the process

Our Clients

Better Business

With The Best Consultants!

Business is about making life meaningful for you. Providing solutions to your problems.

Marcus Maximus


A serial entrepreneur with 30 years of experience in the business development and people development related industry and more than 100 million sales revenue created.

Business is about making life meaningful for you. Providing solutions to your problems.

Louis Tye


Louis has been supporting foreign companies to set foot in Vietnam through various entry services. Market research sectoral and competitor analysis, feasibility assessment, regulatory framework, and productivity consulting. 

Business is about making life meaningful for you. Providing solutions to your problems.

Willie Lee


Willie’s consulting work is rooted in practical experience and a deep understanding of market dynamics in Japan and the Philippines. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to grow your business, an SME seeking guidance in navigating competitive landscapes, or a corporate leader aiming to expand into these regions.

Max Charles


With 27 years of experience, Max is able to help you access your business with a keen eye to provide a fresh perspective to help you map out the blueprint that best aligned with your values, vision and mission.

Rob Tam


After 15 years in Vietnam, helping businesses set up with the right proper compliance and licenses becomes the key important factor for all foreign businesses for long term successes. 

Cathy Jane


With post COVID, more F&B businesses are reopening after the shut down during COVID. Arm with 10 years F&B industry experience, Cathy has helped many F&B businesses back into Vietnam smoothly.

Commit To Your Business

With Our Services

Connect with us for a FREE Consultation.

Start Ups

A thousand miles start with a single step. So Get Started by connecting with us for a FREE Consultation!

O2O Consulting

Bringing your business both online and offline is the basic set up in this digital world today. 

Finance Consulting

From crowdfunding, private funding and market co-sharing models of financial innovations. Connect with us for a FREE Consultation! 

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